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March is Women's History Month and despite, or rather perhaps because we seem to be losing ground with regard to women's rights, leadership opportunities, and role models, it's as important as ever to hold our sheroes up to the world: The women in our lives, past, present, and personal who have helped shape our worlds in positive and powerful ways.

I realize that my passion for painting comes from spending time with, exploring, meditating on the things that bring me peace, hope, and awe, and painting portraits of my sheroes had always been a delightful way to honor them while feeding my soul.

And I'm thrilled that I have an exhibit of Sheroes on display at the Simsbury Library through the month of March. Recognize any of your sheroes?

My first and most important hero in my life was/is my mom. She was a pillar of love and compassion in the community and someone who was always looking for ways to contribute to making the world a better place for all. She was my biggest cheerleader, she hooked me on the delight of walking with friends, and she instilled in me the belief in community and the desire/obligation to make a contribution. I realize that the sheroes I hold in highest esteems are those who lead, speak, and act not for personal gain so much as the desire to contribute to the greater good. They see a way to help and step into the fray.

I'm also excited to invite anyone who has a personal Shero to send a photo and their nomination to me during the month. I'll pick one for a free portrait. Who's your Shero?

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